This is a partial post because I skipped over Halloween but that's because I'm a terrible mom and didn't get any pictures on my camera, but grandma went crazy so as soon as i get them from her they'll be posted for your viewing pleasure
An update on Noah, he's growing like crazy but still seems so tiny to me and he fits the baby profile of eating sleeping and pooping. Right now thats really all he does its a very rare occasion to catch him awake and i know that soon the day will come when I'll wish he would sleep more but I'd like him to be awake so I can get to know him. I remember Abby being much more alert and awake than he seems to be. Maybe he'll be less crazy :)
Anyway on the 5th (his 2 week check up) he weighed 7 11 and was 19 1/4 inches long. At his 2 day check up he was 6 9 and 18 3/4 inches long. He had lost a ton of weight and a whole inch from birth (really he lost the cone head)
His 1 month check up is Friday so we'll see if he's broken the 8 lb mark then
That is my size 8 shoe to give you an idea of his size
Abby adores her brother and wants to kiss and hold him all the time, it's nice that she gets along already
Abby and Noah in grandma and grandpas bed. Abby wanted Noah to spend the night with her but only she stayed